SOCIO Pakistan extend thanks to all donor, GAVI Routine Immunization Program, The Global
Fund against AIDS, Tuberculoses and Malaria through Nai Zindagi as Principal Recipient, and
Sub-Recipient of United Nations Dvelopment Program UNDP, United Nations High
Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) / RAHA, Commissioner Afghan Refugees Organization,
United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC), GIZ, Government of Germany and the
community providing support and participation in every phase of Projects. Community is highly
acknowledged in co-operating the program / projects right form the identification till the
completion of the schemes.
Thanks are also due to the Board of Governors who guided the challengingworking of the
organization for achieving its objectives.
The cooperation and support of Government is also commendable whose timely assistance
assured the program / project implementation for the disadvantaged and marginalized
communities of Balochistan. Thanks are due to the external auditors who conducted the annual
accounts audit of SOCIO Pakistan.
Thanks to all the field staff and volunteers whose participation made it possible to complete the
projects in time. Thanks are also due to the administration and account sections with out which it
would not have been possible to complete the tasks. Also thanks to those who helped in
preparation and editing of report. To all those partner organizations who facilitated SOCIO
Pakistan technically, financially and morally in completion of the programs / projects.
Amanullah Khan Kakar
Chief Executive Officer
Society Of Collective Interests Orientation
SOCIO Pakistan